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FIXbrigade Amsterdam

About FIXbrigade Amsterdam

The Jungle wants to involve everyone in sustainability, including those people who are not (yet) involved, or are not consciously involved. We do this through information and workshops, but also through very concrete projects. We make sustainability tangible and practically feasible, not lengthy stories and conversations, but practical projects in which everyone can participate. We are often asked the question: I want to become more sustainable, but where should I start?

We do this in the green plan for the Dapperbuurt developed by the Jungle together with the neighborhood, with our FIX brigade that helps people to insulate their homes

The best way to save energy in the short term and lower your energy bill

can be achieved by better insulating your home. This can be done with small measures, such as sealing

seams and cracks, applying radiator foil and better adjusting your heating.

For people who, for whatever reason, cannot do this themselves, the Jungle has the FIX Brigade. The FIX Brigade will visit you to inventory what is possible for your home. You indicate what you want to have done. For people who have had an infrared scan made of their home, it is clear where all the heat leaks and drafts come from, and the report is used in combination with a home visit to inventory the work.
The FIX Brigade will first visit you to record the work. You can also get rid of all your complaints about cold, draft and moisture. A day is then planned to carry out all the jobs. For people who earn less than 140% of the minimum wage, all materials and work are free.

Unfortunately, we can no longer help people who earn more than 140% of the minimum wage at the moment.

Implementing all these measures can quickly save you around 20% on your gas consumption, which also saves you a lot of money. The price of gas will only rise further in the coming years, so the sooner you insulate your home better, the better. Read the information under the buttons below for the various services of the FIX Brigade and make an appointment immediately.

In the FIXbrigade learning process you can learn to fix yourself. Do you want to increase your chances on the labor market? Are you looking for an internship? Or would you just like to learn how to fix? Then the FIXbrigade learning program is for you. Read more about it under the learning path button and register quickly. We can only train a limited number of students.

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