Donate excess office furniture or other goods.
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Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam
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Are you going to redecorate the office with your company? Don't throw away excess desks, chairs and cabinets. Donate them to a social initiative in the city!Detailed description
We are regularly asked by social organizations and initiatives whether we can help them with physical items. Desks, cupboards, chairs, etc. Your company no longer uses them, but someone else can use them very well.
What you may see as waste or old-fashioned makes someone else very happy. An example; old laptops go to children who need them for school, waste pallets (wood) are very welcome in wood processing training, offices can be furnished with old desks and chairs, etc.
Please contact us if you think you are going to get rid of something that someone else needs.
About Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam
VCA strengthens voluntary commitment in the city of Amsterdam so that everyone can make an optimal contribution to society. We do this by showing future volunteers the way and connecting them to social organizations, facilitating organizations with knowledge and tools and by showing the impact of volunteering in the city. We are also increasingly involved in urban projects in which volunteering is an element. Within BusinessInvolved.Amsterdam, Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam takes care of contacts with social organizations and we advise companies on the optimal use of their CSR options.