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Cooking for the homeless, from Monday to Friday

Cooking for the homeless, from Monday to Friday

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Haarlemmerstraat 146h, 1013 EZ Amsterdam, Nederland
Cooking & eating
Community & familyHealthSocial justice
2 Zero hunger3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities
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Stichting Het Koffiehuis
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Come cook with your colleagues at the Koffiehuis! Experience a unique day with our homeless or undocumented visitors and contribute to an inclusive Amsterdam.

Detailed description

The Koffiehuis and the Clothing Shop on Haarlemmerstraat offer a safe place to homeless or undocumented visitors who often have no place to go elsewhere in the city. Our social enterprise gives our visitors a meaningful day's work, contributing to a more beautiful, cleaner and more colourful Amsterdam. For example, there are sweeping and greening teams at work keeping the surroundings of the Haarlemmerstraat clean and colourful. Also, some of our boys are mopping the windows of shops in the neighbourhood, working as extras and helping to keep the National Holocaust Monument clean. In the process, all our income goes towards support, housing and a dignified existence for our visitors: we are an inclusive community that helps each other.

What will you and your colleagues do?

Your team of volunteer (3-4) people will enter a cosy living room around 9:30 am, filled with the people from the sweeping and green teams. You will be welcomed by our staff and we will give more information about who we are and what we do. Meanwhile, the visitors have a cup of coffee with a sandwich or a croissant and then go outside to work. After this, you get to work. Namely, you prepare lunch for the group. You cook a hot meal for 25-30 people, which is served between 12:30 and 13:30 to the various sweeping and greening teams. It is useful to choose a recipe in advance and we ask you to finance the shopping,

While eating, we encourage it to engage in conversation with our people and hear the stories and experiences. Participants enjoy talking and being seen. The awareness of daily challenges, yet positive attitude works inspiring and invites them to come back again. And if that is not enough, the coffee mug and coffee roasted especially for the Coffee House will win you over!

Not only is this an incredibly fun activity to do with your team, but you will also help the Coffee House team immensely. Because you get to work in the kitchen, the Coffee House team can focus on further improving the Social Firm and on addressing the daily challenges that undocumented people experience Issues such as housing, food, drink and safety that cannot always be taken for granted for them can thus be addressed. In doing so, you contribute to a more inclusive Amsterdam and bring humanity back into society.

Getting there

Het Koffiehuis is a friendly organisation in the nicest street in Amsterdam. There is always something happening and the work you do has a direct effect: a homeless person does work and feels part of society. He gets paid for it and good food. By taking care of each other, we bring humanity back into society every day.
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About Stichting Het Koffiehuis

The Coffee House and Clothing Store on the Haarlemmerstraat in Amsterdam Centrum is a drop-in centre for the homeless and is open seven days a week. The Coffee House offers a safe place for homeless visitors who often cannot find shelter elsewhere in the city. Because the foundation Het Koffiehuis Amsterdam is a social enterprise without subsidies, in addition to coffee, lunch and clean clothing, there are also work projects in which visitors can participate. The sweeping and green teams work on the streets and ensure a clean and colourful environment. In this way, local residents and tourists see that the homeless are more than and capable of more than the prejudice often claims. The Clothing Store offers free clothing to the participants of the work projects and the income from the clothing sold also benefits the participants.
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