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Gardening for the elderly

Gardening for the elderly

Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Amsteldorp, 1097 PR Amsterdam, Nederland
Nature & sustainabilityCommunity & familyWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities
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Maggie van WouweAsk Maggie a question
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Project Groene Vingers van Amsteldorp Actief
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Groene Vingers is an active neighborhood group that maintains the gardens of elderly people who can no longer do so themselves.

Detailed description

Do you like gardening? Would you like to participate? You are most welcome to lend a hand. We work in groups of 2-3 people on Wednesdays.

Weeding, pruning, terrace cleaning, possibly planting a piece of garden. Everything you need to turn it into a beautiful and well-kept garden.

If you do not (yet) master Dutch, that is no problem.

When the work is done, we drink coffee/tea at the nursery garden, 49 Dulongstraat, where the tools are also stored.

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About Project Groene Vingers van Amsteldorp Actief

Buurtgroep Amsteldorp Actief is een groep actieve buurtbewoners in de wijk Amsteldorp, stadsdeel Oost. Speerpunten zijn leefbaarheid, sociale participatie en communicatie en samenwerking met voor de wijk belangrijke instanties.
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