create website

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For Stichting Moedersmomentje we are looking for someone who can build the website for us in WordPress, in such a way that we can then update it ourselves.Detailed description
The website is already up and running Word-press It still needs to take shape, the text and further tapering.
Making backups and taking care of the updates
Who can and wants to help us?
With a website we want to show all these activities and possibilities.
We now only have a facebook and instagram page
Are you the one who can help us with that? Then we'd love to hear from you.
Stichting Moedersmomentje brings mothers of a child with a disability into contact with each other to share life experiences, mean something to each other, create self-care and 1 on 1 conversation. This creates contacts that make mothers feel supported and recognized. These moms regularly deserve a moment for themselves! We look at the needs of the mothers. We assess the care needs of the mothers. If desired, we bring this into the picture as well as possible with the right healthcare professionals.
We mainly organize activities for relaxation such as talk meetings, workshops, walks and pampering moments, etc...
About Stichting Moedersmomentje
Wij organiseren vooral activiteiten ter ontspanning zoals praatbijeenkomsten, workshops, wandelen en verwenmomenten enz...