Girls Forward - Methodology Franchising - Business Model
Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Gender equalitySport & recreationChildren & youth

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Zaitoon ShahAsk Zaitoon a question
Girls Forward
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Girls Forward Methodology - looking at franchise opportunities to create more impact for girlsDetailed description
We have developed a strong methodology to increase the self-reliance of girls. We would like to see whether we can franchise our methodology, so that other organizations can use it. This way we can create even more impact for girls. Can you look at the possibilities with us and draw up a business case with us?
What do we need?
- Sparring about the possibilities of franchising our method
- Drawing up (and calculating) the business case (think of: costs, benefits, risks and feasibility).
- Advice on the feasibility and suggestions for the next steps of the execution phase.
What do we already have?
- Internal contact person who is involved in content.
- Information about the proposition and revenue model (need, target group and our service/product).
- Internal organizational information that we can make available (think of finances, program information, operations and marketing activities).
About Girls Forward
Girls Forward is een preventieve meidenorganisatie in Amsterdam, die zich inzet voor meiden van 12 tot en met 23 jaar. Het doel van Girls Forward is om zelfredzaamheid van de meiden te vergroten, het sociale isolement te verkleinen en hun talenten verder te ontwikkelen. We proberen de leefwereld van de meiden te vergroten door het geven van workshops en trainingen waarbij maatschappelijk thema’s aan bod komen. Hiervoor werken wij veel samen met partnerorganisaties, zoals Gemeente Amsterdam, jongerenwerkers en vrijwilligers uit de buurt.